Friday, March 4, 2011

Megan's Cards

Hello Everyone,

I haven’t been around much this week. This post is a little different today because I want to feature my granddaughter, Megan. She is 4 years old and loves to scrapbook and make cards with her mother (my daughter, Pam). Pam called me yesterday (she lives in Ohio) to ask me a question and every time that we call each other, we always have a conversation regarding scrapbooking and card making and all the supplies that go along with this awesome craft. While we were talking about this, Pam told me about a card class that she and her sister and Megan went to a few months back. To make a long story short, Megan made two cards by herself with very little help from the adults that were at this class. The only help that she had was from her mother reading the directions to her.

Here are the cards that she made:

Megan's Thank You Card

Megan's Cupcake Card
Megan looks so pleased with her card

Pam sent me these pictures via email while we were talking on the phone and when I looked at them (while talking to Pam) I got very excited and kept saying (in a very loud, and excited voice) to Pam, “Wow, Wow, these cards are wonderful”. Needless to say, I think that Pam went temporally deaf and I hope that her hearing has returned.

I wanted to share my excitement about my granddaughter and I am looking forward to making cards with her when I go to Ohio at the end of the month.

Thanks for stopping by and I appreciate the comments.


Barb said...

First of all, your granddaughter is adorable, Sue! Love her beautiful red hair! She is taking after her mom and grandma. . .her cards are wonderful! It'll be such fun to share your joy of cardmaking with her when you visit! So glad you shared this! Have a good weekend!

joy said...

What a little cutie she is! And, her cards look very nice - I can tell she has learned a lot from her mom and from you! Where is Ohio does she live??

Brenda said...

What a beautiful grand-daughter! And how clever! Her cards are too awesome! So glad that you will be going to visit soon!

Virginia L. said...

Thanks for sharing this, Sue! I am so glad that Megan continues to enjoy getting awesome inspiration from grandma!! She is DARLING and her cards are beautiful!!

Scrumplescrunch said...

We have a few things in common Sue;
First. I have a grand daughter (2yrs)
Second. She has RED hair.
Third. She likes to make things with Nana.
And lastly you have given her a Welsh name.

I know exactly how you feel about sharing these moments, Megan is gorgeous, and she is making wonderful cards for one so young, creativeness when encouraged at an early age expands the mind, and she will become a well rounded person as she grows.
From one proud grandmother to another we must cherish these times we have with them.

Pam said...

Ha ha ha ha... Mom, you are so funny! Yes, my temporary deafness has cleared up! Love the post... thanks for bragging about Megan! Love you!